GeometryFunctionsIntersects Method

PreStorm - A Data Client for ArcGIS Server REST API
Overload List

Public methodStatic memberIntersects(FeaturePolygon, FeaturePolygon)
Determines if the polyline intersects the other polyline.
Public methodStatic memberIntersects(FeaturePolygon, FeaturePolyline)
Determines if the polygon intersects the polyline.
Public methodStatic memberIntersects(FeaturePolyline, FeaturePolygon)
Determines if the polyline intersects the polygon.
Public methodStatic memberIntersects(FeaturePolyline, FeaturePolyline)
Determines if the polyline intersects the other polyline.
Public methodStatic memberIntersects(Polygon, Polygon)
Determines if the polygon intersects the other polygon.
Public methodStatic memberIntersects(Polygon, Polyline)
Determines if the polygon intersects the polyline.
Public methodStatic memberIntersects(Polyline, Polygon)
Determines if the polyline intersects the polygon.
Public methodStatic memberIntersects(Polyline, Polyline)
Determines if the polyline intersects the other polyline.
See Also
